Tourism simply is referred as a movement of people from one place to another purposely for pleasure or leisure or studies, and the movement can be within the country (domestic tourism) or outside the border (international tourism).

The tourism environment in a simplistic manner is made up of three components ABC:-

  • Abiotic features (A) (geotourism),

This including rocks, landforms and processes that has received the least attention in tourism, and consequently is the least known and understood. This then is the real power of geotourism, in that it puts the tourist spotlight firmly on geology, and brings it to the forefront of our understanding through tourism

  • Biotic (B) features (ecotourism i.e. flora & fauna)

The ‘B’ or biotic features of fauna (animals) and flora (plants) has seen a large focus of interpretation and understanding through ecotourism

  • cultural tourism (C)

The ‘C’ or cultural component first, we note that of three features it is this one which is generally the most known and interpreted, that is, through information about the built or cultural environment either in the past (historical accounts) or present (community customs and culture).

   Therefore the three component give ABC attributes of tourism which give a tourism sector to be viewed in three dimension of ABC as abiotic, biotic and cultural respectively. Kili Beauty discovery add A attribute to their services of their clients which is not offered by many tours companies in the country. The A attribute is called GEOTOURISM.


The Earth’s geological potential involves not only its mineral and energy resources and land-use for construction, but also wildlife, educational and recreational values.

Def. Geotourism is a knowledge-based tourism, an interdisciplinary integration of the tourism industry with conservation and interpretation of abiotic nature attributes, besides considering related cultural issues, within the geosites for the general public. By Bahram N. Sadry.

 Or Most of the world defines geotourism as purely the study of geological and geomorphological features in relation to tourism.

Geotourism is essentially ‘geological tourism’ focuses on geology and landscape and includes both ‘form’, such as landforms, rock outcrops, rock types, sediments, soils and crystals, and ‘process’, such as volcanism, erosion, glaciation etc.

So Geological features as well as biological features may attract nature lovers and tourists


   Accordingly the essence of geotourism starts with an understanding of geology interpreted through its components of form (landforms and landscape), process (how the landforms originated), and time (when and how long these processes occurred).

   This constitutes the basis of a more holistic understanding of the environment and its component parts and thus provides the resident and tourist population with a greater connection to the environment in which they live or are visiting (Dowling, 2011).

   Geotourism, especially via the geopark concept, is also a champion of sustainable tourism development by generating benefits for conservation (especially geo-conservation), appreciation (through geoheritage interpretation), and the economy (Dowling, 2015a). It has a primary focus on experiencing the earth’s geological features in a way that fosters environmental and cultural understanding.

WHY GEOTOURISM WITH Kili Beauty Discovery?

  • Geologically Based

Geotourism is based on the earth’s heritage with a focus on its geological forms (features) and/or processes. Unlike ecotourism which occurs in, and depends on, a natural setting, geotourism may occur in either a natural or an urban setting.

  • Geologically Informative

   Earth education and geo-interpretation are important tools in creating an enjoyable and meaningful geo-tourism experience. Geotourism attracts people who wish to interact with the earth environment in order to develop their knowledge, awareness and appreciation of it. By extension, geotourism should ideally lead to positive action for the earth by fostering enhanced conservation awareness.

Kili Beauty discovery help you to acquire this experience.

  • Tourist Satisfaction

    While geotourism may be able to be defined, it is harder to say exactly who is a geotourist. Grant (2010) has suggested that there a spectrum of geotourists from general ‘visitors’who are either unaware, aware of interested in geological tourism, to ‘geo’tourists who range from geo-amateurs, to geo-specialists to geo-experts.

  As we feel proud of having well trained guides with Geotourism knowledge, our company can satisfy our clients by transfer them from one lower level of awareness to next level with a short period time.

Our objectives of sustainable Geotourism development are:

  1. To develop greater awareness and understanding of the significant contributions that geotourism can make to the environment, local communities and the economy
  2. To promote equity in geo-development
  3. To improve the quality of life to the host community
  4. To provide a high quality of the geological experience for the visitor, and
  5. To maintain the quality of the geoheritage on which the foregoing objectives depend.

Therefore Tanzania has some of the geological wonders of the world as geotouristic attractions which our tour company www.kilibeautydiscovery devoted to take and share with you an everlasting and life time experience. Among the most prominent attractions include:

  • Ngorongoro Crater: The giant caldera with 16-19km in diameter with the floor lying 400-600meters below the rim. Also this is one of the ten wonders of the world and largest volcanic crater in the world.
  • Kilimanjaro mountain: The roof of Africa standing at 5,895m a.m.s.l and is the highest volcanic peak (stratovolcano) in the world. You will get a chance to view lava tower, arrow glacier and crater
  • Oldonyo Lengai: It is here where you will be able to view the rare white natrocarbornatite lava emission in the planet earth. Very active volcano, with our well trained guides we are ready to share with you the geology of the area.
  • Olduvai Gorge: Spectacular and very fertile volcanic ash blankets laid over Precambrian age (about 2 billion years old) and Neo proterozoic eclogites at Chisi. Metamorphic rocks. It is the place where remains of the earliest man were found by Dr. Louis Leakey and his wife Mary.
  • East African Rift Valley: Host of largest and deepest lakes of Africa, diverse types of evaporates, salt deposits, hot springs and magnificent cinder cones and craters.
  • Geotourism of fertile soil of Serengeti plains


Geotourism adds to ecotourism’s principal focus on plants (flora) and animals (fauna) by adding a third dimension of the abiotic environment

Geotourism “argues” that to fully understand and appreciate the environment, one must know about the abiotic elements of geology and climate first, as these determine the biotic elements of animals and plants which live there. By extension, the combination of these two components of the environment determine the cultural landscape of how people lived in the area in the past, as well as how they live there today.

Therefore is ready to give you give services based on three component i.e. ABC purposely for the aim of reaching our clients satisfactions.

  “We say, come as ABC unaware visitor and leave as ABC expert”