Climbing Mt. Meru 3 Days/2 Nights


Standing 4565 meters (14,980 feet) in height, Mt. Meru is a more approachable climb than Kilimanjaro and serves as a great standalone hike in its own right. Many trekkers choose to use Mount Meru as an acclimation hike prior to starting their trek up Africa’s highest peak

Tourists to Mount Meru are more likely to spot wildlife along the trail, particularly in the early days of the hike. In order to make your stay in the wild safe and protect the animals from poachers, an armed ranger will accompany trekking groups on the first day of the journey to ensure they make it safely to the first campsite.

From there, the route wanders up the north side of Meru’s volcanic crater, before approaching the true summit itself. At the top, the views are outstanding, particularly with Kilimanjaro gleaming tantalizingly in the distance. Typically Mount Meru Climb takes four days, but it can be done in three days to complete a trek to the top as even on this lower peak, acclimatization is the key to successful summit. All trekking groups take the same route up the mountain, which begins at Momella Gate. Hikers will stay in a series of huts on their way to the top, with basic but comfortable accommodations located at two different campsites prior to the going to the summit, which is located at a place called Socialist Peak.

This offers several advantages to visitors. But most of all, it gives trekkers a chance to experience what it is like to climb Kilimanjaro on a smaller scale, providing a grand adventure for those who don’t have a lot of time in their schedule or don’t want to deal with the higher altitude found on Kilimanjaro. Being Tanzania’s second tallest mountain and Africa’s fifth-highest mountain at 4,566m, Mount Meru climbing is very rewarding.

Your itinerary starts like this……


Early in the morning you will be picked up from your hotel/hostel and transferred to the Momella Gate in Arusha National Park, the drive will take you about 1hr to 1:30hr to reach the gate from Arusha. At this time, the porters will organize and pack the belongings for the hike while you and your guide register with the Tanzania National Park (TANAPA). The first day of hiking is similar to a walking safari; you should expect to see giraffes, zebras, antelope, buffalo, and potentially elephants near the trail. Due to the high possibility of spotting wildlife, an armed ranger, hired through the National Park, is required to hike with our team for the duration of the hike. As you continue hiking, you will pass the Ngarenanyuki River and a beautiful waterfall at the base of Mt. Meru. Upon arriving to Miriakamba Hut (2,500 m), your chef will prepare a hot dinner and warm water
for you.

  • Distance: 10 km
  • Hiking Time: 4-6 hours
  • Vegetation Zone: Montane Forest.

After breakfast, you will start ascending up the steep trail along the ridge of the saddle. You may see various wildlife along the way! The trail has amazing views of Meru Crater and the Ash Cone. When you arrive at camp, you have the option of hiking Little Meru (3,820 m) with your guide to further acclimate. You will be served an early dinner, so you can receive ample rest before your midnight summit attempt.

  • Distance: 5 km
  • Hiking Time: 3-5 hours
  • Vegetation: Forest and Moorland.

Summiting has an early start at around 00:00. There is a 1-hour steep climb to Rhino Point (3,800 m), then the path continues along a ridge of ash and rock to reach Cobra Point (4,350 m). The summit of Socialist Peak (4,562 m) is an hour further on a steep path with magnificent views of Kilimanjaro. Depending on your speed, you can enjoy sunrise at Cobra Point or the summit. The views are stunning: the cliffs of the Crater rim, the Ash Cone rising from the crater floor, Kilimanjaro floating on the morning clouds, and the Rift Valley. The route back to Rhino Point in the morning light along a narrow ridge between the sloping outer wall of the crater and the cliffs of the inner wall is one of the most dramatic and exhilarating walks in Africa. Brunch and a brief rest is taken at Saddle Hut before continuing the descent to Momella Gate. After your descent the whole group will gather to congratulate you, and then you will be transferred to Moshi or Arusha town. Change in Elevation: Saddle Hut (3,550 m) — Socialist Peak (4,562 m)-Momella Gate (1,500 m)

  • Distance: 16km
  • Hiking time: 12-14 hours
  • Vegetation: Montane Forest

Rest in the hotel and transfer to the airport.


For 1climber, 3days trek the price is $920per climber

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